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How to Check Point Management from R80.20 to R80.40 Upgrade

In an advanced upgrade scenario, you perform the upgrade procedure on the same Check Point server.

Notes:This procedure is supported only for servers that run R80.20.M1, R80.20, R80.20.M2, or R80.30.These instructions equally apply to: Security Management Server
  • Get the required Upgrade Tools on the source server

cpprod_util CPPROD_GetValue CPupgrade-tools-R80.40 BuildNumber 1

  • On the current Security Management Server, run the Pre-Upgrade Verifier and export the entire management database

If this Security Management Server is connected to the Internet, run:./migrate_server verify -v R80.40

  • Export the management database

If this Security Management Server is connected to the Internet, run:

./migrate_server export -v R80.40 [-l | -x] /<Full Path>/<Name of Exported File>

  • Calculate the MD5 for the exported database files:
md5sum /<Full Path>/<Name of Database File>.tgz
  • Transfer the exported databases from the source Security Management Server to an external storage:
/<Full Path>/<Name of Database File>.tgz
  • Transfer the exported databases from the source Security Management Server to an external storage:
cpprod_util CPPROD_GetValue CPupgrade-tools-R80.40 BuildNumber 1

  • On the target R80.40 Security Management Server, import the databases

If this Security Management Server is connected to the Internet, run:./migrate_server import -v R80.40 [-l | -x] /<Full Path>/<Name of Exported File>.tgz

  • Advanced Upgrade Only

If you encountered one of the “Symptoms” of sk164932, use the ‘-skip_upgrade_tools_check‘ flag during any migration operation after updating the Upgrade Tools package to the latest.

  • The Verify command should be:

    [Expert@HostName:0]# $MDS_FWDIR/scripts/migrate_server verify -skip_upgrade_tools_check -v <version>

    where <version> can be R80.20R80.20.M2, R80.30, R80.40 or R81


    [Expert@HostName:0]# $MDS_FWDIR/scripts/migrate_server verify -skip_upgrade_tools_check -v R80.40

  • The Export command should be:

    [Expert@HostName:0]# $MDS_FWDIR/scripts/migrate_server export -skip_upgrade_tools_check -v <version> <output tgz file>

  • The Import command should be:

    [Expert@HostName:0]# $MDS_FWDIR/scripts/migrate_server import -skip_upgrade_tools_check -v <version> <export tgz file>

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